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Things I won’t say: NOW is the time for ____.

I have struggled for a sensitive way to broach the topic of looking at the future.  It seems insensitive to draw any generalizations about where people may be in their own pandemic / social distancing journey, not to mention what their personal struggles might be.

What I know is that for myself, even after a full month of shelter-in-place with my husband and two kids, and even with my “seasonal pass” I administered to myself last week, I am still teetering on passable balance -- stressing over how to feed our family without epic trips to the store, “keeping it together” enough for the family unit to run smoothly with schoolwork and good moods (never mind my own work), and struggling for the personal time I crave to check in with myself. Outside of teaching and recording for my church's Holy Week services, I admit I haven't touched my violin.

If I was playing more, this is the lighting I'd choose... please just imagine me playing a non-rusty meditation on Bach's D minor Chaconne.

Yet in the midst of this I realise with equal parts gravity and joy just how much there is to be thankful for, and that I need to remember that I can’t expect Erica of February Past to show up to life in THIS season.

Some, like me, may need to push “pause.”

For others, this may be an incredibly exciting time of opportunity and overflowing creativity.  To be honest, that’s me sometimes, too. How many of us are “paused”? Pedal to the metal (by circumstance or choice)? Or do you oscillate between creativity and use of the pause button?

It’s ALL ok.  When creativity strikes, celebrate, go with it, and make!  When you need to rest, then rest. It’s important and it’s human to be where you are and do what you need to do, no apologies.  

It’s important and it’s human to be where you are and do what you need to do, no apologies.

In the coming weeks, I’ll be coming out with a series of articles and tools aimed at helping you process the changes you may be experiencing in your teaching business and overall musical career. These tools should give you space to look forward to the future.

I’m not going to tell you NOW is the time.  I’m not even going to tell you that what I have to say is right for you.  Only you know that. My aim is to give you helpful things to think about as you navigate your now and your what’s next -- when you’re ready.

… and for when you’re ready, I’m excited to share with you a new tool I’ve been working on to help you look with excitement toward the future and step out with a concrete plan. If you want to know as soon as I have news, please sign up for my BackstageForum Blog mailing list here.

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